Erfahrungsbericht einer Postdoktorandin an der McMaster University in Kanada

Postdoktorandin aus dem Department Werkstoffwissenschaften forscht an der McMaster University in Kanada

Im Rahmen der „Zielvereinbarungen zur Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in der Wissenschaft zwischen der Universitätsleitung und der Technischen Fakultät (2018-2022)“ stehen Stipendienmittel für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen zur Durchführung von internationalen Forschungsaufenthalten zur Verfügung (Reisestipendium, International Visiting Scholarship). Forschungsaufenthalte an ausländischen Wissenschaftsstandorten sind ein zentraler Bestandteil einer erfolgreichen wissenschaftlichen Karriere. Ein Blick auf die Webseite der Frauenbeauftragten lohnt sich, um alle relevanten Informationen über die vielfältigen Stipendien- und Headhuntingmittel für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen zu erhalten.

Für einen mehrwöchigen Forschungsaufenthalt an der McMaster University hat Frau Dr.‑Ing. Shiva Mohajernia ein “International Visiting Scholarship” erhalten. In einem Erfahrungsbericht beschreibt sie ihre Eindrücke:

„From January to March 2021, I worked as a visiting researcher in Prof. Higgins group in Chemical Engineering Department at McMaster University in Canada.

In 2015, I joined the Institute for Surface Science and Corrosion (LKO), Department of Materials Science at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg as a doctoral candidate. I received my Ph.D. degree in 2020 and since then I am a postdoctoral researcher. Currently, I am conducting research on synthesis of nanostructured anodic oxides, defect engineering of the nanostructured layers and single atom catalysis for electrochemical, photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic H2 generation and CO2 reduction. My motivation for the research stay was to learn new techniques in electrocatalysis and gain insight into a different research environment. I selected Higgins group for my research stay, mainly due to similar research interests with the focus on “Nanomaterial Catalysts for Sustainable Energy Technologies”.  This opportunity not only introduced me to other aspects of this research field, but also enabled me to expand my network which I believe is very beneficial for my future academic career.

During my research stay, I focused particularly on TiO2 nanotubes, intrinsically copper decorated TiO2 nanotubes, and defect engineered TiO2 nanotubes for electrochemical CO2 reduction.  The idea behind electrochemical CO2 reduction is to convert harmful CO2 into value-added chemical compounds such as methanol, methane, or carbon monoxide. Using modified 1D TiO2 nanostructures, provides a promising electrode for electrocatalytic reactions which can find wider application in the fields of electrochemical and photoelectrochemical energy conversion.

The research visit had indeed an important role in helping me getting closer to my academic goals and was very much a valuable experience. I would like to thank the women`s representatives for the international visiting scholarship.”