Prof. Dr. Chong Han

Humboldt Research Fellow

A person with a blue jacket stands next to a blue wall with the letters FAU
(Foto: privat)

My research areas

Terahertz Wireless Communications

Home University / Research Institute

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Host research group

Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute for Digital Communications, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Gerstacker

Research period at the Faculty of Engineering, FAU

Multiple research stays, one year in total.

What is the focus of your research during your visit?

Cross near- and far-field communications, Terahertz integrated sensing and communications

Two people, both with short hair and glasses, in dark jackets stand in front of a building with semicircular windows that are illuminated.
Prof. Dr. Chong Han and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gerstacker (Foto: privat)

I choose FAU because

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) is one of the top universities in Germany for research, and Erlangen is a beautiful city to live in. With a long-standing and close connection to Prof. Gerstacker at IDC, FAU, I believe that my time at FAU will inspire me to advance wireless communications to new levels.

Further information

apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Gerstacker
Institute for Digital Communications (IDC)